I totally have been avoiding blogging. I felt like i needed time to buy me some valuable writing topics but it really doesn't matter because I end up with nothing of interest. I have been reading books to escape too many days off of work. So far, The Time Travelers Wife is no. 1 this month. It was really slow the first few hundred pages but its proven itself halfway through. Books are so addicting. How could you not want to read!! Its like once you close the book you are constantly wondering what is happening in that world of that story you are on? What are the characters doing? It is like the story is always alive and when you put it down its on pause. The words are always and will always be there. TTW (Time Travelers Wife) is such a different read than I am used to because each page is basically two characters point of view. My friend said she cried reading it, so far I have had my first "gasp" at something in the story. It is one of those. Audiobooks are amazing. My friend let me borrow How I Paid for College and I love it! It is a perfect driving story. I didn't really do any research on the novel to see if it was fiction or non-fiction but I am pretty sure it has to be fiction. It is so dramatic and has a "wtf-esque" to it. I sometimes find myself thinking, I wish I read this book instead of listening to it.
I am off to read TTW and hopefully start to finish the rest of books I have read 3/4 of the way through.