Hey look at that, the word paint has the word pain in it too. For two weeks now James and I have been sluggishly painting the interior walls of the house as well as the ceilings. I had everything planned out as today being the end of all painting because today is the day we get our new furniture! Well, it's not exactly new but it will be new to us.
A year ago, I would have thought that painting would be no big deal and that I would enjoy it. Today, I dread painting (Paint Rumba invention ASAP). It's not only the fact that I have to paint but it is also that life just goes on hold when you are doing renovations. I've ignored laundry, dishes, and most importantly my time to exercise and play outside. What is scarier is that I begin to think, "how did my mom do it all?" I have a hard time figuring out how to keep things tidy and neat. I admit, there are times when my room looks like an episode of Hoarders. It's not so much of a problem of cleaning as it is a problem with having enough time.
When does one acquire time management? I know the real answer to this and I know if my mom is reading this she is definitely laughing, more accurately she is LHMFAO. I grew up with the strictest of the strict where if we slept in past 10:00 we were probably in trouble. My mom and dad embedded routine in us wherever they could. What I just can't understand is why we didn't take that with us when we all moved out of their house? It's like we did everything opposite of what we learned.
I occassionally use the "being in college" excuse where it doesn't matter if anything is in order and it also doesn't matter what a dinner or breakfast consists of, it's fuel. In the back of my head I know that having to care for someone else (I was afraid to actually say, a baby) is when time management comes into play which is where this entry ends. No babies (yet) and no time management. Sounds good. (if you know me you know that I will begin doing the dishes and laundry in the next minute). Have a great Saturday!
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