This is easily the best dish on the menu at Robata Grill in Mill Valley. It's cod but the sauce on it is buttery and amazing. Even the vegetables are marinated in some miso butter. I love coming here just for this meal.
I went a little out of order today with my posts but who really cares. This was breakfast this morning! I love croissants from WFM they are so crispy on the outside and buttery on the inside unlike COSTCO ones which are amazing but not crispy. Who goes without bacon in the morning?! I could eat bacon all day. Eggs by my BFFFF James! He makes scrambled eggs perfect for me.
Dog in a bag
I love this new bag I have for Lia by Wag Wear (I think thats how you spell it.. I am too lazy to get up and look at the bag). The bag is comfortable too so I can wear it all day and keep her in a bag all day like all dogs should be. But really, Lia loves being with me and this increases her time to hang out everywhere. She is my other half :) Don't you love how her leg naturally just hangs out of the bag! I had to hold her head because she kept trying to pose and move her head in different angles. Here is the bag in the color I wish I got:
They run anywhere from $88-100. I have a size large for Lia she is about 12 lbs and paid $100. Well worth it in the end because when Lia is out of it I can double it as a grocery bag when I am walking around (is that gross? whatever.)
The great grand children
Grandma got to see seven great grand kids! My little niece is the one in the flower dress. They made grandma so happy :)
The girls of my family
same city! Being around them makes me feel so close to grandma. All of
our different traits from her come together and it is like she is
right there with us.
buyers remorse on losing ticket
Who doesn't love a sale on donuts? I wanted to buy it but spent my money on a dumb losing lottery ticket. I am a loser today.
Lia melts hearts
LIA. This is my cuteness of a dog. She is the best little dog ever. I call her Falcor. Falcor is cute in its own little way. See the resemblance?

A beautiful place
Living in the bay area is so amazing. I take walks here in Tiburon with Lia and all I see is this. I like hiking here because there are generally few people and it is completely peaceful.

Home made clam chowder easy as 1-2-3


Salted Caramel ice cream from Bi Rite is my new favorite ice cream, EVER. This ice cream changed my life. Ice cream epiphanies really only come around once, maybe twice every century in ones life. I was lucky to get hit with one in my twenties while I can still eat a lot of it and not get fat. Back to this amazing brand... I would imagine you could get the ice cream at their store across the street on 18th in SF but who knows... I try to stay out of that neighborhood because the parking is a bitch. I keep getting off topic - so this ice cream is amazing it is slightly salted and the caramel isn't the usual rich caramel which makes it easier to eat the whole pint to yourself in the car immediately after buying. My friend Allison loves eating it with bacon. Keep your mind open!
Doggy lovers!

I always wanted a dog when I was little but my parents never approved. It was probably better I didn't get one because I have the best little dog now! I always like telling people what I feed her just because I have heard so much about what people are giving their dogs. I have heard the arguments with kibble vs. cans and "commerical" vs. homemade. Everyones an expert, right? I started off giving Lia kibble (Canidae) because that was what the breeder fed her. I noticed over time she wasn't excited to eat and it was always a fight trying to get her to eat the kibble. I switched over to "Blue Buffalo Puppy Formula" which was ok but I really didn't like the idea of her just eating kibble again. I finally found a food that she goes crazy over just when she sees the box and eats it all in 2.2. I have been feeding Lia "The Honest Kitchen" for a few months now and she loves it! It is dehydrated food and the ingredients are simple and it is always a hot meal because you have to mix the food with hot water. Check out the website, they have samples
PF Flyers
I am really into my PF Flyers right now. I have been tired of wearing flip flops around because I constantly have to update my pedicures so rocking the Flyers have been a vacation. I have them in this beige color but I really like the new colors they have out. They are like Converse but way cuter on and SO COMFORTABLE. Plus the price point is pretty reasonable. I really like the "Cousy Hi" ones too- they are all awesome.

